You chose: giorgio spanu

You chose: giorgio spanu

  • Photo by Marco Anelli © 2017
    We met with Giorgio Spanu, co-founder - along with his wife Nancy Olnick - of Magazzino Italian Art in Cold Spring. The half-Italian, half-American couple has for the past 20 years been instrumental in the promotion and divulgation of contemporary Italian art in the United States.
  • Magazzino Italian Art Foundation and Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò present an exhibition of Italian contemporary artist Renato Leotta. The first of this two-part show opened on April 30th at Casa Italiana, while the second, a site-specific installation, is on view on the grounds of Magazzino in Cold Spring throughout the Summer.
  • Detail view of Alessandro Piangiamore's La cera di Roma #23, 2016. Courtesy of Olnick Spanu Collection, New York. Photograph by Marco Anelli © 2018
    Magazzino Italian Art in collaboration with Magazzino Arte Moderna (Rome) and NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò presents Marango, the first New York solo exhibition of Sicilian artist Alessandro Piangiamore, on view through June 14th 2018 at Casa Italiana.
  • From left to right. Magazzino Director Vittorio Calabrese; Italian Ambassador to the United States Armando Varricchio; Italian artist Marco Anelli; Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute Giorgio Van Straten; and Consul General of Italy in New York Francesco Genuardi. Photo by #AlexaHoyer.
    Art & Culture
    A. F.(October 27, 2017)
    New York's Italian Cultural Institute along with Magazzino Italian Art unveils 24 large-scale photographs of Roman-born, New York-based photographer Marco Anelli - on view until November 2, 2017
  • “Magazzino Italian Art”–the first space in the United States dedicated exclusively to Italian art from the second half of the 20th century–officially opened to the public last Wednesday, June 28th. An immersion in the green landscape of Cold Spring in New York’s Hudson Valley at Giorgio Spanu and Nancy Olnick’s enchanting warehouse, which opened its doors with the show “Margherita Stein: Rebel With a Cause,” honoring Margherita Stein, one of the pioneers of Italian Arte Povera.
  • The Hillyer Art Space in Washington, D.C. presents an exciting exhibition from May 5—July 2, featuring Italian artists Marco Bagnoli, Domenico Bianchi, and Remo Salvadori, whose work will also be part of the inaugural show at the Magazzino Italian Art to open on June 28.
  • A selection of the Olnick Spanu Collection at the Italian Consulate
    i-Italy spoke with Nancy Olnick and Giorgio Spanu as part of their beautiful exhibition that is currently on display at the Italian Consulate in New York honoring the wonderful city of Venice entitled “Murano: Glass from the Olnick Spanu Collection.”
  • The Beautiful Cliché by Renato D’Agostin
    An exciting exhibition based on the timeless technique of Venetian glass blowing, Venetian textiles, and photography is currently at the Consulate General of Italy in New York City.
  • The duo have been working together for seven years now
    The works of the Italian artistic duo Valentina Ornaghi and Claudio Prestinari will be presented at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò starting on Monday, October 24th.
  • Following the recent passing of its beloved founder, Baroness Mariuccia Zerilli-Marimò, the prestigious Casa Italiana of New York University elected as its new president Giorgio Spanu—a longtime member of the board who, along with his wife Nancy Olnick, has become an enthusiastic proponent and collector of modern and contemporary art. Here Spanu discusses his new responsibility as well as his lifelong passion for Italian culture with Casa Director Professor Stefano Albertini.