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The Bellinghamherald. OK, so I was assigned to watch and blog about the "Jersey Shore" in Italy season premiere on Aug. 4. While I initially believed this was a pointless assignment, I now take back those words. During the episode, no fewer than 10 signs of the apocalypse were revealed. (Read the article)
ANSA. Italy's first openly lesbian MP, Paola Concia, married in Frankfurt Friday, the first time an Italian politician has married someone of the same sex. Concia, gay spokesperson for the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), exchanged vows with Ricarda Trautmann, a criminologist from Cologne, Germany. (Read the article)
ANSA. Milan city councilors reasserted their plans to allow construction of an official mosque Monday, falling short of naming a specific date. (Read the article)
HALL INSITITUTE OF PUBLIC POLICY - NJ. On October 28, the University of Chicago will host the UChicago Conference on Jersey Shore Studies, a first-of-its-kind academic gathering that will examine the landmark MTV reality television program “Jersey Shore.” As the conference’s organizer, David Showalter--currently a fourth-year in the Tutorial Studies program at the University of Chicago--explains why it could possibly be worthwhile to study such a show. [Read all >>]
Catholic Pope Benedict XVI has named Cardinal Angelo Scola to become the Archbishop of Milan. (Read the article)
ANSA. A sixth-century fresco of Saint Paul has been discovered in Naples, Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano has said, describing the find as ''sensational''. The fresco was found during restoration work at the city's Catacombs of San Gennaro (Saint Januarius) by experts from the Pontifical Commission of Sacred Art. (Read the article)
ANSA. Italy's top court ruled Tuesday that citizens may grow marijuana on their home balconies and terraces. Such an amount "could cause no harm," said the Cassation Court. (Read the article)
NYPOST. The 21-year-old man who is featured, Vinny Buzzetta, a cake-baking genius, is gay and, yet, is not forced to act like a Stepin Fetchit queeny clown for the amusement of straight people. Vinny is a smart, young, ambitious businessman who happens to be gay. (Read the article)
SILIVE.COM. The newly formed Staten Island Network of the National Organization of Italian-American Women (NOIAW) launched its first cultural program Tuesday evening, they call Walk of Fame, at Casa Belvedere, the Italian cultural foundation on Grymes Hill. (Read the article)
DNAinfo. Italian American activists who want to build a museum devoted to their heritage on Pier A in Battery Park are planning to rally outside the historic pier Saturday afternoon. (Read the article)
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