State issued retirement pensions are the main source of income of 7.4 million Italian households, an ISTAT report reveals. But over 36% of Italy's pensioners are getting less than 1,000 euros each month and those currently employed are set to receive less and less as they hit retirement in the future.
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Italians in the World Report for 2018 by the Migrantes Foundation reveals that the number of people leaving Italy continues to grow: Italian mobility increased by 2.7% between 2017 and 2018 and by 64.7% since 2006. But, more importantly, it goes into detail to examine who is leaving, where they are leaving from, where they are going and why.
In terms of mothering, few countries beat Italy, land where "La Mamma" traditionally ruled the roost. All the more ironical, therefore, that on Mother's Day May 8, the question asked was whatever happened to maternity in Italy, where statistics show that the empty cradle is ever more the norm.
The European Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies’ 2012 Italy Report Shows a Discouraged Nation and a Youth Ready to Leave it Behind.
Eurispes, the independent Italian research institute, presented its annual report on the state of the Italian economy and society.