You chose: expò 2015

You chose: expò 2015

  • Milan. Naviglio Grande
    For the third year in a row Milan is attracting more visitors than does Rome, despite the Vatican's proclaiming this as a Jubilee Year. Only in part thanks to the Expo effect, among tourists today Milan ranks as the 14th most popular city in the world.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Alessio Shostak(July 02, 2015)
    'Time Table – Tavola dei Secoli’ is an exhibition taking place at the Palazzo Madama in Turin, which will run from the 24th of June until the 18th of October. Inspired by the 2015 Milan Expo, whose main theme is ‘feeding the planet’, ‘Time Table’ takes food as its central theme
  • Time Table – Tavola dei Secoli’ is an exhibition taking place at the Palazzo Madama in Turin, which will run from the 24th of June until the 18th of October. Inspired by the 2015 Milan Expo, whose main theme is ‘feeding the planet’, ‘Time Table’ takes food as its central theme. .
  • The Rimon Project, at Milan Expo 2015, showcases Jewish jewels like Viadana in Sabbioneta, Mantua and Piadena, while a special smartphone application guides the visitor through the Expo events and many Jewish sites in Milan and Lombardy: kosher restaurants and food shops, bookstores, shopping places and Italian Judaica.
  • With the Expo Milano 2015 kick off date only a week away, many Italians are concerned that Milan will not be ready to host the 20 million people that are getting ready to file into the city for sixth months, the length of the world’s fair. The New York Times is not the only newspaper to recently release an article concerning the many controversies that have permeated the atmosphere of the Expo and Italy’s international image.
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(March 24, 2015)
    After six years of work and planning, EXPO 2015 opens in Milan in less than five weeks, and you can almost hear the organizers’ sighs of relief as work on the pavilions is being completed, and the goal of selling 10 million tickets before its official opening May 1 looms within sight. Organizers of this ambitious world’s fair on the theme “Nourish the Planet, Energy for Life” report that distributors, travel agencies worldwide and on-line booking agencies have already acquired 8.5 million tickets.
  • The Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and of Tourism in visit in New York. Dario Franceschini presented the government plan Art Bonus and the cultural program for Expo 2015 at the Italian Cultural Institute and at the Consulate General. “Investing in culture is good for minds, and spirits of Italians, as wells as for the Italian Economy”
  • Events: Reports
    I. I.(October 01, 2014)
    Two important events will celebrate Italian culture and food: “Identità Golose” and the opening of an exhibit dedicated to the Duomo of Milan in collaboration with Expo 2015. Finally, Eataly celebrates the release of two special books.
  • On the occasion of Expo 2015, the history of Milan and its land, from the foundation by the Celts to the present day, will live in a thrilling graphic novel of 208 pages, written by Silvio Da Rù and illustrated by Beniamino Delvecchio, produced by Parco Nord Milano, published by Star Comics and translated into five different languages by Fondazione Milano Lingue. An international editorial project, preceded by a Contest for designing the graphic novel's cover open to artists from all over the world starting from July 21st 2014.
  • Expo Milano 2015 has planned a special welcome to all Italians living abroad and all foreign citizens of Italian origin to experience an exciting return to their homeland. The “Made of Italians” initiative, which was launched across the world on June 2nd, and represented parallel to the Fancy Food Show, offers travelers and visitors special rates for travel to Italy and exceptional discounts
