You chose: remembrance day

You chose: remembrance day

  • Interview with Anthony Julian Tamburri, Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (CUNY): "As an Italian in the US you were automatically identified as a Catholic; but then you were also a Jew, so a 'minority within a minority'..."
  • The former President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities: "We need to build a world where all the national, linguistic, and religious groups become aware that there all are, in fact, minorities..."
  • The Consul General of Itlay in New York opens i-italy's special issue dedicated to Remembrance day: "Italy does not forget. We still feel shame that this occurred in our country."
  • Facts & Stories
    The Editors(January 27, 2009)
    A special issue of i-Italy dedicated to Remembrance Day. For an uncompromising critique of racism, past and present - in Italy, in America, and everywhere in the World.
