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You chose: nobel

  • March is Women's History Month, and our choice to celebrate is an exceptional Italian woman who had deep ties with the United States and international influence. Neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini overcame Fascist racial laws to continue her research, including in St. Louis after WWII, and was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1986 for discovery of the nerve growth factor (NGF), seen in the rapid growth of cancer cells. Her work has also contributed to studies of senile dementia.
  • The Italian neurologist who won the Nobel prize for her work on cells, dies at the age of 103. Among the tributes pouring in from the world over was that of Italy's caretaker Premier Mario Monti, who called her "a charismatic woman who honored our nation." Nichi Vendola (left-wing politician and currently the President of Apulia) said that, "With her we lose one of the most crystalline and noble voices of democratic Italy."
  • Italy, thanks to the Chigago Office of the Italian Trade Commission, was present with its “Machines Italia” project at World Business Forum. The ITC also organized a discussion entitled “Challenges of Global manufacturing: Improving North American and European Competitiveness Through Cooperation”. In the historical Manhattan “Club 21”, journalists and experts of the field, including American and Italian scholars, gathered together for a special work lunch. And an outstanding personality was their guest: Professor Joseph Stiglitz
  • Scientist Rita Levi-Montalcini turned 100. For the oldest living Nobel prize winner and Italian senator, there is no reason to stop fighting. “What I did in the past is not enough — there is only the future.”
  • “E’ Italiano il Nobel per la medicina”. Non per il New York Times il quale titola i propri articoli con “Two Americans won the Nobel Price”. Poi ovviamente America Oggi lo definisce “italoamericano”. Un siparietto che vede la stampa italiana e americana e i rispettivi Paesi in competizione.