The visit of Nello Musumeci, President of the region of Sicily, is a cause of celebration for New Jersey’s Sicilian community. It’s the occasion to reactivate the measures that have in the past kept alive the ties between Sicilian communities and their region of origin.
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E’ festa per comunità siciliana del New Jersey, in visita da loro il presidente della Regione Sicilia, Nello Musumeci. E’ l’occasione per riattivare quelle misure che nel passato hanno tenuto vitali i legami tra le comunità siciliane e loro regione di origine.
Meeting the Italian community and honorary Consul, Dominic Caruso in Clifton (NJ)
Montclair University hosted a meeting with NJ/NY-based Italian companies to talk about and create new synergies between education and business, discussing the Italian language as a useful tool and creating internship opportunities.
A longtime patron of the sport, the trusted olive oil company has rallied Bianchi, Vittoria Industries Ltd., and Bolla Wines to help sponsor its women’s pro team.
LADY M 5.1 is a screen adaptation of Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth—Act 5, Scene 1. The short movie is directed by Mariano Baino, starring Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni, accompanied by an installation designed by Baino & Cataldi-Tassoni and curated by Filippo Brunamonti. The short film debuts as a world premiere on March 18th and will be on view until March 25th at Mana Contemporary.
Da ora gli italiani residenti in New Jersey non dovranno più recarsi a Manhattan per ottenere il loro documento di espatrio italiano. E' stata consegnata al console onorario di Clifton, Dominic Caruso, la postazione mobile per la rivelazione delle impronte biometriche. I dati registrati a Clifton verranno infatti trasmessi al Consolato Generale che spedirà il passaporto agli utenti. L'evento si è svolto alla presenza del console generale Francesco Genuardi, il sottosegretario agli Affari Esteri, Enzo Amendola ed il CGIE Silvana Mangione, Giulio Picolli, rappresentante dell'Associazione italiana Ieri, Oggi, Domani, e tanti altri connazionali. E vi raccontiamo la storia di Ferruccio e Francesca. E' loro il primo passaporto rilasciato a Clifton
From now on Italian residents in New Jersey will not have to go to Manhattan to obtain their documents to travel abroad. A mobile fingerprint scanner was revealed and given to the Honorary Italian Consulate of Clifton. The data recorded in Clifton will be transmitted to the Italian General Consulate that will then send the passport to the user. The event was attended by Italian Consular General, Francesco Genuardi; the undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Enzo Amendola, and the CGIE, Silvana Mangione; representative of the Italian Association Ieri, Oggi, Domani, Giulio Picolli; and many other prominent figures. This is the story of Ferruccio, Francesca, and the first passport granted in Clifton.
Events: ReportsIAWA welcomes Maria Giura and Peter Marra to the stage on Jan. 9, 2016 as we begin to celebrate our silver anniversary in 2016. Giura continues to work on her memoir, publishing extracts throughout the literary community while Marra has published more than 200 poems online and in print, has published two poetry collections, two chapbooks and short stories in collections by Three Rooms Press and others.
The italian philosophy of selling the best products at the lowest possible prices