The visit of Nello Musumeci, President of the region of Sicily, is a cause of celebration for New Jersey’s Sicilian community. It’s the occasion to reactivate the measures that have in the past kept alive the ties between Sicilian communities and their region of origin.
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E’ festa per comunità siciliana del New Jersey, in visita da loro il presidente della Regione Sicilia, Nello Musumeci. E’ l’occasione per riattivare quelle misure che nel passato hanno tenuto vitali i legami tra le comunità siciliane e loro regione di origine.
Intervista con il Presidente della Regione Sicilia, relatore molto atteso alla prima edizione dell'Italian Export Forum a New York, che si apre il 27 gennaio 2020 con un panel intitolato "Italy: Exporting Beauty".
Interview with the President of the Sicily Region, highly anticipated speaker at the first edition of the Italian Export Forum in New York, which opens January 27, 2020 with a panel entitled "Italy: Exporting Beauty".
In a regional election Sunday in Sicily, a fledgling center-right coalition trounced the center-left, leaving former Premier Matteo Renzi and his party in deep trouble. The vote is seen as a harbinger of things to come when the nation goes to the polls next March.
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano refused to sign the bill on fiscal federalism, with comments that it was “unreceivable,” poorly drafted and generic. For Berlusconi the bill was a promise he had to keep, not least because Bossi, the head of the Northern League and the prime sponsor of federalism, is the beleaguered Premier’s sole remaining ally in government. To many, the rebuff showed that the government itself has come to a screeching halt