You chose: midtown italian restaurant

You chose: midtown italian restaurant

  • Dining in & out
    Kayla Pantano(December 15, 2016)
    Naples native Gianfranco Sorrentino has over 30 years of restaurant management experience around the globe and now owns three flourishing Italian restaurants in Manhattan. His most recent undertaking, Mozzarella & Vino, is located right across the street from the MoMA and serves inexpensive, traditional Southern Italian cuisine without sacrificing quality.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Francesca Sarda(May 18, 2014)
    Piccolo Fiore, a Midtown East restaurant is celebrating its seven years on the NYC dining out scene and they are doing it with a bang. On May 21st will host a special event with great food and wonderful entertainment. The guest of honor during the evening will be Tony Lo Bianco. The Italian Tenor, Luciano Lamonarca, will perform a selection of arias from his repertoire and comedian Regina DeCicco guarantees your uncontained laughter with her performance.