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You chose: istat

  • Immigration is decreasing in Italy for the first time (-3.2% from last year) after a period of constant increase between 2014 and 2017, while the number of Italians leaving the country is on the rise (+1,9%) according to the latest report on immigration by national statistics agency ISTAT.
  • What is romance worth? A new study of spending on love (clothes, food, beauty products and such) found that when they say, "I love you," Italians splash out just $112. Other current statistics show marriages are on the rise -- but so are divorces.
  • Colosseum crowd
    A new ISTAT report shocked many here for its showing that one out of every five Italians never, ever reads a newspaper or a book, or attends a cultural event of any kind. On the other hand, it means that four out of five Italians do participate in the nation's vibrant cultural life, beginning with museums.
  • Siamo lieti di pubblicare la riflessione dello scrittore Antonio Bisi sugli aspetti della nuova emigrazione dei giovani italiani e in particolare degli abruzzesi. L'analisi ha preso spunto dalla recente uscita del libro della giornalista e scrittrice Raffaella Quieti Cartledge "Eccellenze abruzzesi nel mondo".
  • Italian economists and business leaders are finally beginning to look on the bright side. During the first quarter this year the GNP surged upward by 0.3%, the same as Germany’s. The news gave the stock market a pleasant jolt. Most importantly, a report May 13 by the national statistics-gathering agency ISTAT, says that Italy has finally emerged from recession.
  • Compared to last year, in 2013 the number of Italian tourists has decreased by an amazing 4 million. This is the latest data according to the ISTAT (Central Institute of Statistics).
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(February 21, 2012)
    A much debated issue has been the center of many discussions recently, the so-called "bamboccioni" are the young Italian adults who still live at home with their parents, cuddled and nurtured by their mothers.