I love Italian Food presented 100per100 Italian Academy, an itinerant educational project aimed at promoting authentic Italian food across the globe, in New York, where they also released a new guide for where to find real Italian cuisine in the city.
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Lo scorso 30 giugno, presso la Scavolini Soho Gallery di New York, l’associazione culturale no profit I Love Italian Food ha dedicato un’intera serata a tutte quelle realtà che si sono distinte recentemente nell’attività di promozione dell'autentica cucina italiana, premiando le migliori in base a sei categorie principali: Espresso, Gelato, Menu, Pizza, Chef e Ristorante.
On June 30, the Gala organized by the cultural association I Love Italian Food, hosted by Scavolini Soho Gallery, was dedicated to all those realities which distinguished themselves for promoting only authentic Italian cuisine in New York. The special guests were awarded according to six main categories: Espresso, Gelato, Menu, Pizza, Chef and Restaurant.
In conjunction with Summer Fancy Food, the non-profit cultural association I Love Italian Food will be back in the Big Apple on June 30 for the launching of its new international project "100per100 Italian". During their event, in the exclusive setting of Scavolini Soho Gallery in New York, "100per100 Italian awards" will be given to some of the most important Italian companies