Getting Married in The Colosseum? Yes, You Can!

Getting Married in The Colosseum? Yes, You Can!

Giulia Madron (June 25, 2014)
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The Roman Capitol approved a deliberation that allows people to choose a symbol of the Eternal City to say the fateful “yes”

Everyone dreams of getting married in a special place that you will remember forever. Now, in Rome it is possible. From the famous and unique Colosseum to the Olympic Stadium, the symbols of the Eternal city can become the locations chosen to say the fateful “yes, I do” according to civil procedure.

“Getting married in Rome.” This is the name of the deliberation proposed by city councilman Fabrizio Panecaldo (Pd) and approved by the Roman Capitol.

This deliberation, approved by the Assembly of the Roman Capitol with 25 votes in favor, 4 abstained and 2 opposed, provides for identifying several places around the city of Rome, not only the council room inside the Capitol, where to celebrate the wedding. Among these locations - in both private and public spaces - stand out the Colosseum, the Olympic Stadium, private villas on the old via Appia or Ponte Milvio, just to name a few.

“I think is a very bizarre idea…” commented Dario Franceschini, Italian Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities. Getting married at the Colosseum, for instance, would need the approval of the Mibact Cultural Commission. An approval that apparently has not been given, as was also confirmed by the Superintendent Archaeologist of Rome, Maria Rosaria Barbera, who affirmed: “I think that Franceschini expressed the position of the Ministry in a very elegant way.”

However, even though there are conflicting opinions in regards to such deliberation, the majority said yes. After all...you only get married once!



