Focus::Daily News
A bear hunt is underway in the Italian Alps after a 69-year-old was brutally mauled - and said the huge animal wanted to kill him.
Elmira police have charged two men in connection with a reported break-in over the weekend at the Italian American Veteran's Club, 1070 Magee St. in the city.
Italian police said on Monday they had arrested two brothers suspected of robbing dozens of cash machines while wearing masks of President Donald Trump.
A gay couple has been refused entry at a guesthouse in Italy after its owner told them it does not “accept gays and animals”.
Data about loan accounts belonging to 400,000 customers of Italy's largest bank has been put at risk by two security breaches.
In the first flush of enthusiasm for France’s Emmanuel Macron, the fresh young politician who upended French politics and snatched his country’s presidency this year, Italian politicians were no different from European counterparts in seeing him as a JFK-type figure who'd help Europe overcome major challenges — from Brexit to the migrant crisis.
The idea of creating a single fibre-optic telecoms network in Italy makes sense but none of the players involved have so far signaled a willingness to do so, Italian Industry Minister Carlo Calenda said on Wednesday.
The center-right party of Italian politician and ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is leading voter polls in the country and could now be central to forming a new government in elections looking likely in early 2018, according to analysts.
A French diplomatic initiative aimed at resolving Libya's long-running crisis angered Italian officials on Monday, who saw it as another example of newly elected President Emmanuel Macron snubbing Rome.
The resources minister Matt Canavan has quit the cabinet because he is a dual citizen of Italy.