Focus::Daily News
A small part of the ceiling of the famous Basilica of the Holy Cross in Florence, Italy, broke off today, hitting and killing a tourist who was visiting the church, Florence police told ABC News.
Northern League uses Lombardy and Veneto referendums to push for special status
The threat of fresh attacks on the West by foreign fighters fleeing the fallen Islamic State – or Isis – stronghold of Raqa is set to dominate a G7 meeting of interior ministers in Italy.
Silvio Berlusconi says he would have responded differently to the Catalonia crisis than Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy, backing a "legally controlled" referendum to resolve the situation.
The mayor of Italian town Candela has come up with a practical solution to its dwindling population number -- paying people to become residents.
The number of migrants arriving in Italy from the Mediterranean has dropped sharply, according to the European Union’s border agency.
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Wednesday that Italy was a model for Europe on how to reduce migrant arrivals, a day after U.N. agencies said its policies had trapped tens of thousands of people in dire conditions in Libya.
Laura Boldrini, president of Italy’s Chamber of Deputies, spearheaded a project to educate high-school students on how to recognize fake news and conspiracy theories online.
On Oct. 6, Netflix’s first Italian original, “Suburra,” rolled out in 190 territories, including Italy, of course. The show about corruption in contempo Rome — in which a priest has a heart attack during a cocaine-fueled orgy — will also air domestically on state broadcaster RAI, thanks to an unusual pact with Netflix.
The town of Amatrice, all but destroyed in a earthquake last year, has been added to a list of the world’s most endangered heritage sites.