Focus::Daily News
ITALY should ditch the euro, leave the European Union, walk away from NATO and join forces with Russia, a shocking new book has claimed.
Six decades ago, a 2-1 defeat by Northern Ireland in Belfast meant the Azzurri stayed at home and had to listen to the tournament on the radio.
It’s Italy’s favourite dessert, so it’s probably unsurprising that an Italian person has won the first-ever Tiramisu World Cup. The competition was held recently in Roncade, near Treviso, and 700 people from all over the world competed over two days to make their version of the sweet treat stand out from the others.
Paralympic fencer Beatrice Vio is a veritable sports icon in Italy, a model of courage whose battle against disease, infectious enthusiasm and prowess have won her legions of loyal fans.
The champagne corks had only just stopped popping in Sicily when one of the newly-elected councillors from Silvio Berlusconi's winning coalition was clapped in cuffs for tax evasion, Italy police said on Wednesday.
High water in Venice and an orange alert near Naples: winter is coming to Italy, with a vengeance.
Pope Francis took snap-happy bishops, priests and pilgrims to task on Wednesday, telling them mass was a time for prayer, not an opportunity to whip out camera phones.
Restaurateur was known for the UK chain that bore his name and TV programmes including Two Greedy Italians
When The Local spoke to Rosalind Pratt, she had a batch of cupcakes in the oven and was fielding questions from the youngest of her four children, who had just come home from preschool.
After years of trying to win over lunch and dinner crowds, Starbucks is preparing to open its first stand-alone Italian restaurant.