Focus::Daily News
The Versace fashion house stated on Monday that it "has not authorized nor has in any way been involved in the TV series dedicated to the death of Gianni Versace,” which will premiere on Jan. 17 on FX.
Pope Francis’ ‘Fridays of Mercy’ initiative continues long after the jubilee year
Something about Italy inspires romance and the producers of First Dates, the Channel 4 show, are hoping to stir up some passion with the new series of First Dates Hotel, a spin-off of the original programme.
The Italian coast guard says eight migrants have died after their dinghy got into trouble while trying to cross from Libya to Europe.
ROME — The Italian government learned the hard way, early this year, that no good deed goes unpunished.
Acting under a 2015 European Union directive addressing the global disaster caused by plastic bags, which take hundreds of years to degrade, Italian lawmakers enacted a measure banning the use of plastic bags for fruit, vegetables and baked goods in favor of eco-friendly biodegradable and compostable alternatives.
So in many ways, its reaction to the recent wave of revelations about sexual harassment by men in positions of power all over the world was depressingly familiar.
Italy's answer to the Palace of Versailles is at the centre of a cultural heritage row after part of it was hired out for a private wedding for 30,000 euros.
Opponents of the euro are rearing their heads again, this time in Italy. Matteo Salvini, leader of the country’s anti-immigration Northern League party, has reiterated his opposition to the single currency.
OVER 10,000 tourists near Italian ski resorts have been left stranded and at risk from avalanches after heavy snow fell across the northern region leaving two dead.
During the early 15th century the Medici family helped foster a cultural revolution that took Italy out of the dark ages. Cut to the present. The English-language “Medici: Masters of Florence” TV series, which Frank Spotnitz is showrunning on a $28 million budget co-financed by Netflix, is considered a harbinger of change within the Italian TV industry.