Dante Without Footnotes
A lecture by
Ron Herzman, SUNY Geneseo
Why does Dante still speak to us with great urgency and power, and how is it that he remains accessible despite the seemingly-vast distance in time and culture between his world and ours?
Ron Herzman is Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus at SUNY Geneseo and serves as the Director of Education and Outreach for the Dante Society of America. He has taught Dante at Geneseo, at Georgetown, and at Attica Correctional Facility, as well as directing fifteen Summer Seminars for School Teachers on Dante for the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has written extensively on Dante, and is currently working on a book on Dante's relationship to the visual arts. He was the co-recipient of the first CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching Medieval Studies from the Medieval Academy of America.