Concert Music for Piano by Luciano Chessa
Louganis (2007), with a video by Terry Berlier;
Tre Danze da Salotto (1983/2010);
Cupric Donna I & II (Premiere);
Le Miniere (2003) from "Quadri da una città fantasma";
Dr. Quill, Let There Be Light (2013);
Green Sea (Premiere).
Luciano Chessa is an Italian composer, musicologist, conductor, performance artist, pianist, and musical saw/Vietnamese dan bau soloist. Recent compositions include the experimental opera Cena oltranzista nel castelletto al lago produced for the TRANSART Festival in Bolzano, Italy: a work lasting 60+ hours (including 55 hours of fasting) accessible in its entirety via 24hrs/day live streaming; Squeeze! Squeeze! Squeeze!, a large-scale work inspired by Melville’s Moby Dick; and A Heavenly Act, an opera with original video by Kalup Linzy commissioned by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.