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You chose: soccer

  • "Let's Wake Up, Italics!"- Piero Bassetti in Conversation with Fred Plotkin
    Piero Bassetti and Fred Plotkin at La Casa di i-Italy
    There are over 250 million “Italics” in the world, and perhaps you’re one of them! On occasion of the recent English publication of Piero Bassetti’s book “Let’s Wake Up, italics! Manifesto for a Glocal Future,” i-Italy hosted a conversation between the author himself and Fred Plotkin, one of America’s foremost experts on opera and Italian culture. The conversation discussed what an “Italic” is and how Italics fit into the larger global society. The book “Let’s Wake Up, italics!” is published by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
  • In Berlin. Both teams were champions of their respective leagues and their domestic cups, so the winner of this match would complete the Treble, which is when a team wins three trophies in a single season. The last time an Italian team made it to the Champions League Final, Inter won the Treble in 2010.
  • Facts & Stories
    Emily Hayes(February 20, 2015)
    Feyenoord fans rampaged the historic center of Rome and the newly restored, 400-year-old Bernini Fountain of Barcaccia. The oval basin of the fountain is now filled with broken glass and marble.
