Focus::Facts & Stories | iItaly.org

Focus::Facts & Stories

Fact & Stories

Andrea Purgatori. His restless, passionate never-ending search for truth

Andrea and I met on the first day of school. I had just returned to my native New York after years of living in Italy and, frankly, my language skills in Italian were better than my English. Members of the talented, ambitious and idiosyncratic class of 1980 of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University are mourning the death of our beloved friend and colleague.
9/11/2001  9/11/2021

9/11/2001 9/11/2021 - intervista all'Amb. Giorgio Radicati

Il ricordo dell'attentato alle Torri Gemelle venti anni dopo. Letizia Airos Soria intervista l'Ambasciatore Giorgio Radicati, che l'11 settembre 2001 era il Console Generale d’Italia a New York. Remembering the Twin Towers attacks twenty years later. Letizia Airos Soria interviews Ambassador Giorgio Radicati, who was the Consul General of Italy in New York on September 11, 2001.

Tradition and Innovation: Two Aides of the Made in Italy Coin

New York - The 100per100 Italian Talks event dedicated to the North American market was held on July 6, with six exceptional speakers who shared their vision of the new dynamics of Made in Italy exports to the United States.

The Truth as Told by Sicilian Women

Interview with Sicilian writer Giusy Sciacca about her latest book, Virità: femminile singolare-plurale
Videomessaggio dell'Ambasciatrice Mariangela Zappia

Mariangela Zappia, the New Ambassador of Italy to the United States.

Mariangela Zappia, the former ambassador to the United Nations in New York, succeeds Ambassador Armando Varricchio in Washington DC. In this article her video message in iItalian - English ​​and the transcript
Colavita Culinary Challenge is Back!

Colavita Culinary Challenge is Back!

NY's Rising Culinary Stars Face Off in the Colavita Culinary Challenge at the Food and Finance High School (FFHS), the only public culinary high school in New York City.

Dr. Anthony Fauci "Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana"

Dr. Anthony Fauci awarded - in recognition of his exceptional career and outstanding contribution to the fight against Covid-19 - the honor of "Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana" at the Residence of the Ambassador of Italy in Washington

Celebrate "Festa della donna", International Women’s Day

On March 8, people across the world will honor the achievements of women and continue to fight for gender equality.

The first Annual Scholarship to Italian American Students Who Exemplify the Values and Determination of Dr. Fauci

DR. ANTHONY S. FAUCI SCHOLARSHIP – CREATED FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS IN MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH FIELDS – NOW ACCEPTING APPLICANTS. Columbus Citizens Foundation to award the first $25,000 Annual Scholarship to Italian American Students Who Exemplify the Values and Determination of Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden

Mardi Gras or Martedì Grasso?

This is a difficult year for Carnival parties all over the world. But let's dream together next year.. In the United States when we think of Mardi Gras we think New Orleans with floats, fried food, and colorful plastic beaded necklaces. In Italy, Martedì Grasso means Venice's Carnivale, complete with ornate masks, theatric performances, and a parade through Piazza San Marco.
Giorno della Memoria 2021 - New York

Giorno della Memoria 2021. A Long 'Digital Day' in New York

January 27, 2021 will mark twenty years since the first commemoration of Giorno della Memoria (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in Italy. In New York, each year, the Consulate General of Italy has held the ceremony of the reading of the names of the Jews deported from Italy and the Italian territories. This year, due to the pandemic, there will not be the usual events in person but you can virtually participate many initiatives during the day organized by the Italian Consulate in New York with Centro Primo Levi, the Italian Cultural Institute, NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò, the Calandra Italian American Institute at CUNY, the Italian Academy at Columbia University, and the Scuola d’Italia Guglielmo Marconi.

Recipe. Sweet “Coal” ... Befana is Coming!

On January 6th, children and adults across Italy celebrate the epiphany by stuffing their stockings (and their faces) with various sweet treats, supposedly gifts from “La Befana,” a mythical old lady who comes down the chimney to bring candy to those who have been good and coal to those who misbehaved. But sometimes what looks like a punishment can reveal to be a tasty treat in disguise. That’s exactly the case with “carbone dolce” or sweet coal, for which you will find a recipe below.
Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella

Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella

Dal Palazzo del Quirinale di Roma, il discorso di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella

Happy New Year and Superstitions Italian Style

Italians are a fairly superstitious people, especially when the new year comes around. Here are some seasonal traditions, beliefs and superstitions from across the country, ranging from the most common, such as eating lentils and wearing red, to rather unusual ones. It is a terrible year because of the pandemic but certainly while respecting the rules the Italians will try to keep some traditions, the possible ones

Eataly Expands To North Texas in Dallas

The authentic Italian culinary destination safely opened their very first Texas location in NorthPark Center

#TheItalianResilience - Will Made in Italy Save Italy?

The 100per100 talks are back to understand what the future of Made in Italy will be in the world

Dr. Jill Biden is Set to Become the First Italian American First Lady!

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) , the largest and most loyal representative of the more than 20 million Italian American citizens living in the United States, congratulates Dr. Jill Biden as she is set to become the first Italian American First Lady. “Dr. Biden’s strong connection to her Italian American heritage and dedication to education aligns with NIAF’s mission,” said NIAF Chairman The Honorable Patricia de Stacy Harrison. “Education is at the Foundation’s core as we provide scholarships and grants to empower high achieving students to further their education in all fields. We send our congratulations to the First Lady designate.”


Governor Andrew Cuomo has been named Grand Marshal of the 76th annual Columbus Celebration Weekend, In Addition, Dr. Anthony Fauci Will Be Honored with Namesake Annual Columbus Citizens Foundation Medical Scholarship .This year, the Columbus Citizens Foundation is adjusting its Celebration Weekend, with a Virtual Gala on Saturday, October 10, a socially distanced Wreath Laying at Columbus Circle on Sunday, October 11, and a 90-minute broadcast special on Columbus Day, Monday, October 12.


Please be advised that electoral packages have been mailed to Italian citizens voting abroad (and registered with the Registry for Italians who reside abroad AIRE), and to voters temporarily abroad (in compliance with Law 459/2001). --------- Si informa che ai cittadini italiani elettori residenti all’estero e iscritti nell’AIRE e agli elettori temporaneamente all’estero (legge 459/2001) è stato inviato, al loro indirizzo, un plico contenente il materiale per votare per corrispondenza.

Coronavirus Disruption: Will Losses be Covered by Insurance Policies?

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide to the pandemic level has changed all aspects of normal life. Businesses are experiencing major operational challenges.