You chose: frank sinatra

You chose: frank sinatra

  • An exclusive interview with Gina Lollobrigida and the protagonists of ‘Filming on Italy.’ On Feb. 1, the great Italian actress was recognized on the prestigious Walk of Fame. Thanks to the request of Tiziana Rocca and her Agnus Dei, the Hollywood Chambers voted unanimously to honor Lollobrigida. An exceptional event that accompanies the rich program of ‘Filming on Italy,’ a festival created by Rocca in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles. which this year pays homage to another Italian star, Monica Bellucci.
  • Intervista esclusiva con Gina Lollobrigida ed i responsabili di 'Filming on Italy'. Il 1º febbraio, il prestigioso riconoscimento del Walk of Fame è stato attribuito alla grande attrice italiana. Grazie alla richiesta di Tiziana Rocca e della sua Agnus Dei, la Hollywood Chambers ha votato all’unanimità. Un evento d’eccezione che si affianca al ricco programma di 'Filming on Italy', il festival realizzato da Rocca insieme all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Los Angeles, che quest’anno omaggia anche un’altra stella italiana, Monica Bellucci.
  • On occasion of the Centennial Celebration of the birth of iconic American star and singer Dean Martin, Italian singer, actress, and rising Broadway star Francesca Capetta pays tribute to the King of Cool at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall. Special guests of the night included Tony Award Winner Liliane Montevecchi as well as singer and actress Stacy Sullivan.
  • Tampa, Florida, 1910. The lynching of Castenge Ficarrotta and Angelo Albano simply for being Italian (from the forthcoming book edited by William Connell and Stanislao Pugliese, “The Routledge History of Italian Americans.”)
    President Trump’s recent Executive Order can be seen in two very different historical perspectives. On the one hand, it is in keeping with a long tradition of demonizing immigrants—something Italians, among others, have long experienced in the past. On the other hand, Americans often point with pride to the history of accepting immigrants, as embodied (literally) in the figure of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Italian Americans have a particular responsibility in this new (or old) political landscape.
  • In many ways exemplary of the first-generation success story, Sinatra is also a paradoxical figure for Italian Americans. He both confirmed and challenged the common stereotypes of Italian-Americans. He—along with others such as Fiorello LaGuardia and Jo DiMaggio—changed how Americans viewed Italians, permitting earlier Americans to see that Italian Americans could indeed become assimilated. On the other hand, his sometimes boorish behavior at the bar or casino reinforced some of the worst stereotypes.
  • Apparently the first form of verbal communication between human beings closely approximated what we might define as a “song,” i.e., the verbal utterance of sounds bound together by a communicative, or emotional, structure. In short, our ancestors talked to one another by using sounds formed by a logic dictated by their feelings or needs at a given time. It’s no coincidence that our voice is known as the “first instrument,” the first means of emitting sounds that were elaborate and pleasing (or displeasing, depending on the case).
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Natasha Lardera(January 31, 2013)
    A closer look at the life and career of Marisa May, co-owner of SD26 on Madison Square Park and daughter of legendary restaurateur Tony May.
  • Op-Eds
    Donna Chirico(April 29, 2012)
    When did we become the White privileged? When did we leapfrog over our fellow tenement dwellers to a position of lofty self-righteousness? When did we lose sight of our own immigrant heritage of discrimination and exploitation?
  • It’s a weighty question, one that Anthony Tamburri or Bob Viscusi could answer with much greater knowledge and awareness than this humble reporter. We will then have to limit our discussion by taking a look at some of these artists while reflecting on their respective musical influences….
