To commemorate the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe (Giorno del ricordo), the Italian celebration for the memory of the victims of the Foibe and the Istrian-Dalmatian exodus.
World-famous Italian chef Lidia Bastianich has a story as a refugee that transcends the culinary industry. Lidia was born following the conclusion of World War II, a time when European countries were still settling border disputes. As a young girl, she grew up among three different cultures, each with a profound influence on her. Today, as a professional, Lidia’s childhood experiences and her family ties continue to prove monumental in her continued success.
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World-famous Italian chef Lidia Bastianich has a story that transcends the culinary industry. Lidia was born following the conclusion of World War II, a time when European countries were still settling border disputes. As a young girl, she grew up among three different cultures, each with a profound influence on her. Today, as a professional, Lidia’s childhood experiences and her family ties continue to prove monumental in her continued success.
Pur condannando l’orrore – e non potrebbe essere altrimenti – di quanto di inumano e inconcepibile avvenne dal 1943 al ’45 nelle martoriate città agli estremi confini della nostra penisola, vorrei porre l’attenzione ancora una volta su alcune delle figure femminili, vittime tra le vittime. E non per preferenza sommaria verso un genere, ma per portare a conoscenza alcune delle innumerevoli storie in cui, per la sola colpa di essere donne, si muore più volte; e per dare loro un volto, uno fra le migliaia, restituendo una piccola parte di quella dignità rubata, saccheggiata, depredata, così come lo furono i loro corpi: carne da macello, scettro di un delirio di onnipotenza fallace.