- Though he sailed in 1492, Christopher Columbus was not widely known among Americans until the mid-1700s. Spencer Arnold
- No one, no people, no country deserves to have his history stolen or diminished with a neutralizing mis-emphasis or dumbing down of great achievement with the distortive underlining of some of its largely unintended consequences. Columbus merits his own day and his proper recognition.
- Columbus Day 2014: former Consul General of New York, Natalia Quintavalle on top of FIAT 500
- Columbus Day Parade in New York City
- No individual’s history – no people’s history -- or proportionate place in it should be hijacked by revisionist cleansing, passing social fads or politically correct rewrites. This was the method of Lenin, Hitler, Mao and the other book burning revisionists of the 20th and the preceding centuries
- The statue of Christopher Columbus by Gaetano Russo in the middle of Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York City.
- Columbus Day protesters