In a draft recently drawn up, the World Health Organization [2] and the United Nations [3] have declared war on non-communicablediseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular that, according to the studies, are responsible for a number of deaths that should decrease by one third by 2030.
A risky strategy
The strategy that could be adopted by the two organizations is similar to the one used to discourage the smoking habit: Applying heavy taxes on food products considered harmful to health and putting danger warnings on the packaging.
But the point, according to experts in the food industry, is that even some Italian products could receive the "black stamp," such as Parmigiano Reggiano [4], Prosciutto di Parma [5], pizza or wine.
The UN neither explicitly mentions Italian products in its documents, nor does it say that they are like smoke. The fact is, due to its composition and nutritional properties, many Made in Italy products risk to be tagged as "unhealthy" and, therefore, to be penalized as already happens in some countries praised by the WHO or otherwise mentioned among the foods to be reduced in the nutritional tables of the regional offices of the Geneva Organization.
To be continued...
The topic will be discussed at the United Nations High Level Meeting on non-communicable diseaseson September 27 wherethe progress made in the fight against non-communicable diseases will be evaluated. The UN General Assembly meeting will end with a political declaration to be adopted by consensus on which negotiations are under way in these days. There is no resolution and no vote.
The political opinion
"What would be the value of the Mediterranean Diet universally recognized by the international organizations themselves as well as by the scientific community? I understand that in this way the UN would do more than a war against non-communicable diseases a war on common sense and scientific evidence, stated on this important issue Fucsia Nissoli Fitzgerald [6], Chamber Deputy elected by the constituency of North and Central America With regard to this issue. "We will defend, in every way, the Made in Italy quality,” she continued “from any attempt to discredit! Hands off the Parmesan and typical Italian products!"
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/un-battle-against-fat-and-salt-even-made-in-italy-products-are-danger
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/onujpg-2
[2] http://www.who.int
[3] http://www.un.org
[4] https://www.parmigiano-reggiano.it
[5] https://www.prosciuttodiparma.com
[6] http://fucsiafitzgeraldnissoli.com