14 million Italians left Italy in the late 19th and early 20th century to begin a more prosperous life. This diaspora [2], a dispersion of people to a new country, is displayed through art at the Italian American Museum of LA [3]. The ITALIANITÀ: Italian Diaspora Artists Examine Identity exhibit, opening May 5, focuses on the Italian diaspora in America.
The featured artwork of more than 20 artists at IAMLA captures the idea of a new-found identity and culture, as well as the overall experience of migrants and their descendants. Italianità, meaning Italian-ness, is reflected throughout the art revealing the complex effects migration has on tradition, beliefs, and Italian roots.
Showcasing the Italian Diaspora
Marianna Gatto [4], the executive director-historian of the museum and the curator of ITALIANITÀ explains: “never before has this group of artists been exhibited within the confines of a single exhibition or institution. While promoting discourse about the Italian diasporic mosaic, ITALIANITÀ creates common ground on which connections to contemporary migrations can be forged.”
IAMLA highlights some of the most exciting works, such as “Smoke Stacks” by Joseph Stella (1935), the drawings of Paolo Soleri, and the work of the blacklisted artist, Ralph Fasanella. Other artists include Italo Scanga, painter Margaret Ricciardi, along with Cynthia Minet who created an illuminated, life-size, mixed media sculpture, Rico LeBrun who is the leading figure of California’s modernist movement, and Ray Bradbury’s long-time illustrator, Joe Mugnaini
As part of the 110th anniversary of the Italian Hall, ITALIANITÀ joins the continued series that is made possible by the support of Riboli Family of San Antonio Winery, Leno and Paul Sislin, Umina Brothers, and El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument.
All of the featured Artists include:
Joseph Stella • Ralph Fasanella • Italo Scanga • Paolo Soleri • Luigia Martelloni • Rico Lebrun • Leo Politi • Robert Peluce • Cynthia Minet • Margaret Ricciardi • Joseph Mugnaini • David Trulli • Manny Cosentino • Tina Gulotta • William Papaleo • Juan Rosillo • Luci Callipari-Marcuzzo • Lola Scarpitta • Anthony Riccio • Michele Nardon Renn • Domenico Foschi
To learn more about this exhibit, click here >>> [5]
To learn more about the IAMLA, click here >>> [3]
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/focus/art-culture/article/italianita-open-las-italian-american-museum
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/dybglzcumaa9loxpng
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_diaspora
[3] http://italianhall.org/
[4] http://italianhall.org/staff/marianna-gatto/
[5] http://italianhall.org/italianita-exhibition/