The importance of taking care of the world we live in is greater than ever. Italian Design Day [2]celebrates art while also highlighting important messages. The theme this year emphasizes the relationship between design and sustainability from an economic, social, and environmental point of view. Clearly, design has an impact on humans and our society, and Design Day aims to draw that connection.
This worldwide initiative promotes Italy’s culture, economy, language, and scientific research. It was started by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation [3] (MAECI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism [4] (MiBACT), the Italian Trade Agency [5], and other organizations for the “Vivere all’Italiana [6]” Campaign.
Art Promoting Sustainability
One of the exciting events in Los Angeles at the Italian Cultural Institute [7] is the opening of the exhibit, Delineo: Italia Bellissima Meets Valerio Berruti. There will be handmade creations, fabrics, and ceramics from all around Italy. These pieces of art are part of Andrea Capellino’s project, Italia Bellissima. Also featured, are frescoes, drawings, tapestries, and a sculpture, all by Valerio Berruti [8].
Both artists, Capellino and Berruti, along with Massimo Catalani -the ambassador of the 2018 Design Day- the designer Francesca Garcia-Marques, and Elena Pacenti, the Dean of the Domus Academy School of Design at New School of Architecture & Design in San Diego will join together for a thought provoking panel discussion. They will discuss the theme, design and sustainability, with the moderator, Carlo Caccavale who is the Executive Director of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Los Angeles [9].
Awarding Italian Excellence
Italian Design Day will also honor those who have made an important impact. There will be an award ceremony to celebrate Italian excellence in the world. The winners of the IIC Creativity award are Massimo Catalani, Andrea Capellino and Valerio Berruti.
Massimo Catalani [10] is a roman architect and artist. Using paint as his medium, Catalani focuses on the theme of sustainability for his art, and he is an avid supporter of protecting the environment and its wildlife. Specifically, he is an advocate for sea and marine wildlife.
"What I like about this year's theme of the Italian Design Day and AIA, is that finally the architects are going back to deal with ecology," said Massimo Catalani when asked about the IDD of this year. "With the end of the consumeristic and the industrialization model, and the advent of the digital era, architecture must embrace its responsibilities. An architect determines the happiness or the unhappiness of someone who lives in a place. We need to halve the planet's exploitation and as architects we need to have that in mind when we operate."
Andrea Capellino is an artist, and successful architect from Piedmont. He is a sculptor, and the founder of Capellino Architettura [11]. Capellino uses his projects to support Italian artisanship and products. He is also the creator of Italia Bellissima [12] which promotes “Made in Italy,” with the scope of creating projects that endorse Italian craftmanship and artisanal products from Italy.
Valerio Berruti [13] is an artist from Piedmont who draws, paints, and sculpts. After earning his degree in art criticism, he became successful in the art world, and has had exhibitions all over the world including in Tokyo, Belgrade, Johannesburg and Singapore.
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/focus/art-culture/article/italian-design-day-in-la
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/an72-e-laggiu-sento-tuffi-nel-mare-nel-sole-o-nel-tempo-chissa-185x85-nottejpg
[2] https://www.esteri.it/mae/en/politica_estera/promozione-integrata-del-sistema/italian-design-day-2018-eventi.html
[3] https://www.esteri.it/mae/en
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Cultural_Heritage_and_Activities_and_Tourism_(Italy)
[5] http://www.italtrade.com/
[6] http://www.uni-italia.it/en/eventi_e_fiere/96.html
[7] http://www.iiclosangeles.esteri.it/iic_losangeles/en/
[8] http://www.valerioberruti.com/?lang=en
[9] http://www.aialosangeles.org
[10] http://www.massimocatalani.com/
[11] http://www.capellino.it/?lang=en
[12] http://www.italiabellissima.it/
[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerio_Berruti