Eleven posters to describe the Italian excellences. Eleven posters to celebrate the Italian traditions related to fashion, technology, architecture and the Italian heritage in general.
Displayed at the Calandra Institute [2], these images called the attention of Italian and Italian American personalities, like Uff. Joseph Sciame [3], Chairperson/President of the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc. and Vice President for Community Relations at St. John's University, who opened the event introducing John De Santis [4], Artistic Director of the committee, who created the posters in celebration of the Year of Italian culture in the United States [5].
“How do you put into one poster everything about Italy, everything about Italian Americans? We saw the David-Apollo [6]when it was in Washington and we said 'this can be the core piece'” - stated Joseph Sciame, indicating the main poster of the exhibition, a 'cleaned up version' of the Apollo, sculpted by Michelangelo around 1530.
John De Santis talked to the audience about the newness regarding this year's posters: “We usually do one poster per year, but this year the theme is really year-round, so we decided to do more than one poster. We started with David-Apollo which was unveiled in December in D.C and then throughout the year there are various projects and themes that will be highlighted around the country, so from those themes we picked concepts that highlight them. We tried to grab different visuals and put them together but, since one poster was too much, we decided that this year there will be a poster coming out every month: we already have music, art, science, technology and the annual one. Every month there will be a new poster available online.”
Joseph Sciame welcomed Minister Natalia Quintavalle [7], Consul General of Italy in New York, who said to be “very happy to be at this event, especially this year. As most of you may know, 2013 has been proclaimed the year of the Italian Culture in the U.S. The posters are always very beautiful but I think this year they are reaching the top. In the framework of the year of the Italian culture, numerous events will be organized all across the United States to celebrate our heritage in the arts, music, science, technology, cinema, literature and history. However what is even more important is the fact that these initiatives not only will represent the heritage of the past but they will also emphasize the future. The theme of the year of the Italian Culture is the 'Italia del futuro,' so the museums and all the other cultural institutes will present the most advanced techniques of restorations, combining the past and a look to the future. There will be a lot of initiatives you may want to follow on the expression of the Italian creativity in the fields of science and technology.”
After thanking the Board Members of the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee for the work around the year of the Italian Culture, she left the podium giving the chance to everyone to admire the posters shown at the Calandra Institute. Those that have been already released regard 'music and theatre,' represented by Giuseppe Verdi, who also celebrates his 200th birthday this year, 'science and technology,' with the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci, 'art,' depicted by Piero della Francesca, 'cinema and photography,' with Cinecitta' in the background, 'Italian language and literature,' well represented by Dante, 'italian brand and design,' symbolized by the 50th anniversary of Lamborghini and finally 'next generation,' focused on the new technologies, 'tastes and flavors' and 'territories.'
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/events/reports/article/eleven-posters-year-italian-culture
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/601222636120319747997540263822n1363375775jpg
[2] http://qcpages.qc.edu/calandra/
[3] http://www.stjohns.edu/about/community/communityrelations/bi_ocr_sciame.stj
[4] http://johnbattistadesantis.com/about/
[5] http://www.italyinus2013.org/en/
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_(Michelangelo)
[7] http://www.consnewyork.esteri.it/Templates/PaginaIntermedia.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRNODEGUID=%7b3E143CB9-9832-4F89-9AB3-49E90B252E97%7d&NRORIGINALURL=%2fConsolato_NewYork%2fMenu%2fIl_Consolato%2fIl_Console%2f&NRCACHEHINT=NoModifyGuest