Thanks to the contribution of the Italian Government, of the main Italian-American associations and Italian businesses, as of the following academic year 2011-2012, high school students will once again be able to enroll in the Italian AP exam.
It is a great opportunity for all those students of Italian, who will be able to better face undergraduate studies, reducing costs thanks to the earned AP credits thereby also saving time.
The Italian Embassy in Washington, together with the Italian consular network in the United States wish to inform as many students and families as possible to help AP Italian courses to start up again successfully. It is a unique occasion and both students and families are encouraged to ask schools and language teachers to promote the studying of the Italian language and culture through the AP Italian program.
Many high schools will resume their AP Italian courses for the upcoming academic year. For further information regarding the AP Italian program, please visit the IACE (Italian American Committee on Education) website: http://www.iacelanguage.org/news_folder/ap-italian-program.
For those who are interested in beginning AP courses in the many high schools or is interested in receiving further information, you may contact the Scholastic Office of the Italian Consulate General in New York, by writing to the E-mail address [email protected] or calling 212-439-8660.
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/spread-word-help-ap-italian-courses-start-again-successfully
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/stu1303735518jpg
[2] http://www.iacelanguage.org/news_folder/ap-italian-program
[3] http://[email protected]