Let's cook these sweet dough balls, delicious Italian sweet, soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside. It is one of the most traditional recipe during Carnival time!
Ingredients (4-6 servings):
Flour (400g) Sugar (100g) Butter (100g), Eggs (4), Baking powder (1 packet) Vanilla extract (1 tsp) Grated rind of one lemon Orange liqueur (1/4 cup) Powdered sugar - enough to roll the castagnole in
-In a bowl combine: flour, sugar and butter cut into cubes. -Add the vanilla, lemon zest and baking powder. -Finally the eggs and mix. -Using your hands, knead the dough. -Shape into cylindrical loaves, cut into pieces and form small balls (chestnuts). -Fry in plenty of hot oil, drain and roll in powdered sugar.
Buon appetito Rosanna
More recipes from Rosanna's Blog >>> [2]
Ingredienti (4-6 persone): -Farina (gr 400) -Zucchero (gr 100) -Burro (gr 100) -Uova (4) -Lievito per dolci (1 bustina) -Vanillina (1 bustina) - Buccia grattuggiata di limone -Liquore all'arancia (1/2 bicchierino)
-In una ciotola, lavorare con le mani , la farina, lo zucchero e il burro tagliato a cubetti . -Aggiungere la vanillina, la buccia di limone e il lievito. -Infine le uova e impastare. -Fare dei filoncini cilindrici, tagliare a tocchetti e formare le palline ( castagnole ). -Friggere in abbondante olio , sgocciolare e rotolarle nello zucchero. ...pronte le Castagnole!!!
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/dining-in-out/recipes/article/sweet-dough-balls-chestnuts-your-italian-carnival-0
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/4067339197foto-11359663158jpg
[2] http://www.i-italy.org/blog/495/archive/2012