Despite all the difficult circumstances brought upon New York City residents by hurricane Sandy, their spirits seem to be on a rise as they work on returning to their pre-storm routines and slowly regain stability.
Businesses and vendors reopen their doors and welcome the public with open arms and wide smiles on their faces. Events start to show up at different venues and everyone, while trying to help those less fortunate, is returning to their routines and beginning to look for things to do and places to go.
Eataly [2], being located in the Flatiron district, has also experienced difficulties due to the lack of heating and electricity and remained closed for a period of time. It has since reopened and although with a week's delay, during one of their first events has officially proclaimed the month of November as "I love Umbria Month [3]."
Eataly's Executive Chef Alex Pilas [4] prepared traditional Umbrian menu for the press luncheon, while Dan Amatuzzi, [5] Eataly's wine director took the members of the press on a wine journey with tasting of Umbria's numerous wines, which perfectly accompanied the traditional cuisine.
In the world of wine, Italy’s Umbria region [6] has continuously been overshadowed by Tuscany, the region of Italy most people are familiar with. Marco Caprai [7], who back in 1989, at the age of 21 followed his passion and took charge of the family wine estate, Arnaldo Caprai [8] nd is currently the leading producer of Sagrantino di Montefalco wines, wants to put Umbria firmly on Italy’s map. While speaking with the press he made it clear, that it is the sagrantino grape, which is genetically unique and indigenous to the Montefalco district of Umbria that can make the region stand out from the shadows of Tuscany and its world famous Chianti.
The co-founder of Eataly's Marketplace, and the son of a renown restaurateur Lidia Bastianich, Joe Bastianich [9] has presented to the members of the press an official proclamation signed by the New York City' Mayor Michael Bloomberg [10]. In it Bloomberg named the month of November 2012 as the official month celebrating the Green Heart of Italy, the region of Umbria.
In the proclamation, Mayor Bloomberg also expressed his appreciation for New York City's Italian immigrants, stating: "We will also often pause to recognize how residents of Italian descent have left such a lasting mark on New York. Italians customs and traditions have greatly enhanced our daily lives and strengthened our economy, contributing to every facet of our city in the process. As we celebrate the glories of Umbrian culture, we also celebrate all of the Italian-Americans who have worked hard to make this the greatest city in the world."
Multiple cultural events, relating to the food, wines, music and artisan products of Umbria took place in various areas of the city throughout the month of November, but since the program extends to the month of December, due to the encountered storm delays, there is still time to join in on the fun.
Here is a list of events still to come:
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tasting: Drinking the Wines of Umbria
6 – 8 PM
Eataly Vino - 200 5th Avenue (Entrance on 23rd)
Free event
Wine: Tabarrini Giampaolo
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Eccellenze Tasting in La Piazza (regional wine and cheese pairings)
12 – 8 PM
Eataly – 200 5th Avenue (Entrance on 23rd)
Free event
(consumers may purchase a tasting pour of wine & regional cheese at a discounted price)
Wine: Tabarrini Giampaolo
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Chef’s Kitchen: Food and Wines of Umbria
6:30 – 8PM
La Scuola Grande at Eataly – 200 5th Avenue (Entrance on 23rd)
Price: $60 Click here to register [11]
Menu: Frittata al Tartufo (Truffle Frittata), Zuppa Umbra (Lentil and Cereal Soup), Torta Umbra all’Olio d’Oliva & Gelato (Olive Oil Cake & Gelato)
Wine: Giorgio Lungarotti
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Chef’s Kitchen: Food and Wines of Umbria
6:30 – 8 PM
La Scuola Grande at Eataly– 200 5th Avenue (Entrance on 23rd)
Price: $60 Click here to register
Menu: Crostini di Lenticchie (Lentil Crostini), Strangozzi con Burro al Tartufo (Strangozzi Pasta with Truffle Butter), Torta Umbra all’Olio d’Oliva & Gelato (Olive Oil Cake & Gelato)
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tasting: Drinking the Wines of Umbria
6 – 8 PM
Eatlay Vino - 200 5th Avenue (Entrance on 23rd)
Free event
Wines: Cantina Tudernum, Tenuta Rocca di Fabbri, Terre Margaritelli
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Eccellenze Tasting in La Piazza (regional wine and cheese pairings)
12 – 8 PM
Eataly - 200 5th Avenue (Entrance on 23rd)
Free event
(consumers may purchase a tasting pour of wine & regional cheese at a discounted price)
Wines: Cantina Tudernum, Tenuta Rocca di Fabbri, Terre Margaritelli
Make sure to check out the numerous ongoing promotions at Eataly. Have fun discovering the foods and wines of Umbria, the Green heart of Italy!
Source URL: http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/magazine/dining-in-out/articles-reviews/article/november-i-love-umbria-month
[1] http://test.casaitaliananyu.org/files/umbria141353607531jpg
[2] http://www.eataly.com
[3] http://umbriamonthnyc.com
[4] http://www.parmesan.com/recipes/chefs/alex-pilas/bio/2/
[5] http://www.zagat.com/buzz/30-under-30-dan-amatuzzi
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbria
[7] http://www.restaurantinformer.com/2007/08/marco-caprai/
[8] http://www.arnaldocaprai.it/mediacenter/FE/home.aspx
[9] http://www.joebastianich.com
[10] http://www.mikebloomberg.com
[11] http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1144322
[12] http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1141585